Stephen Covey’s "The 7 habits of highly effective people" has sold over 40 million copies worldwide: how does it apply to AI adoption?
Join us for a webinar with our partners at FEA, where we will demonstrate the AI Quality Assistant in real time, and take your questions.
The world of generative AI is moving quickly. There's something new every day. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and we'll keep you up to date with what we think you need to know.
Using generative AI today is like having an ace up your sleeve, which may be why it can feel like cheating. But while the future isn't evenly distributed, it's more accessible than you might think. Use your AI with pride.
An event for business professionals, tech enthusiasts and the curious minded where our founder, Kieron White, spoke about the impact of generative AI
In every practical sense our society is more diverse and more choc full of discourse than ever, but debate around AI has a Hollywoodesque tendency to focus on whether it will ultimately lead to humanity’s downfall. It means we can miss out on the real conversations. Spoiler alert: AI is (c) neither. Like everything else, it’s more complicated than that
Gen AI could be the worst and the best of us, but it will be what we make it.
Watch our exclusive webinar where we demonstrated our cutting-edge bidwriter.engine. This AI-driven tool is designed to revolutionise your bid-writing process, offering unparalleled efficiency and precision.
Now that AI has hit the mainstream there is no shortage of advice to be had from the enthusiasts. But do the people talking about AI really relate to you and the day-to-day challenges of your job?
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