Stephen Covey’s "The 7 habits of highly effective people" has sold over 40 million copies worldwide: how does it apply to AI adoption?
Join us for a webinar with our partners at FEA, where we will demonstrate the AI Quality Assistant in real time, and take your questions.
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You might think a very real puppy bears no similarity to an AI, given that ChatGPT has vastly superior language skills and never soils the carpet, but think on.
Engine co-founder Kieron White was invited to write about the transformational power of RAG AI for EU Business News.
In the spirit of inspiration and usefulness, this week we’re thrilled to share a very real example of successful AI adoption: North Yorkshire Council’s implementation of Leading AI's RAG AI engine, Policy Buddy, for their children and families social care teams.
Getting people to try new things usually means demonstrating how their lives will be better, inspiring them to get involved and slotting your solution neatly into peoples’ lives so it stops feeling New And A Bit Scary and quickly becomes Normal – fun, even. So why doesn’t it feel like everyone on Team AI got the ‘How to Lead Change’ memo?
Is AI bad for the environment? The way it consumes scarce resources has rightly raised eyebrows. But what is really happening, and what can you do about it?
Watch our webinar, demonstrating how AI can help schools by dramatically reducing the 'admin' load, improving engagement and freeing up time to focus on what matters most. The session included a demo of our FREE school AI agent: MAT.engine.
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