Free stuff

Try our free products and see for yourself what AI engines can do.


Have you got an AI policy? If not, you should have one. But where to start? If you're a School, MAT, or FE College, get in touch and we'll send you a template that you can adapt for free. If you'd like help in creating one for your organisation, please get in touch.

AI engines

Try one of our free AI engines to see how powerful the technology is. Try them out. Remember, the responses you get are improved by the quality of the questions that go in, so keep challenging them. If you;d like us to create an engine that solves your specific problem, please get in touch.

School AI policy

Free policy template.
Lots of schools and MATs still don’t have an AI policy in place. You need one. Use our template as a starting point.
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FE AI policy

Free policy template.
Many FE Colleges still don’t have an AI policy in place. You need one. Use our template as a starting point and adapt for your college.
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All about MATs.
Got a question about how to set up, run, or grow a MAT? The engine is trained on the DfE and ESFA policy and guidance documents.
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Learn from the best.
What do outstanding schools do? Trained on on over 100 outstanding Ofsted reports, school.engine will give you insights and suggestions for your SLT.
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Improve your college.
Got a question about FE and Sixth Form Colleges? This engine is trained on the DfE and ESFA policy and guidance documents.
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Enrol students faster.
admissions.engine shows how a university could improve communications about admissions for potential students.
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ESG for education.
ESG is increasingly important for everyone. It’s also a priority for the DfE. The engine is trained on their guidance and documents.
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